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Ediția din acest an a reunit 38 de elevi și de studenți din România, dar și studenți internaționali din Germania și Finlanda, din Alianța Universitară Europeană E³UDRES².
Universitatea Politehnica din Timișoara a organizat cea de-a treia ediție a International Spotlight Heritage Student Contest (ISHSC) 2023 și Interactive Digital Media Student Contest (IDMSC) 2023, aflat la a 9-a ediție, în data de 17 noiembrie 2023, în Sala Polivalentă a Bibliotecii Centrale UPT. În cadrul concursului International Spotlight Heritage Student Contest (ISHSC) 2023, au participat studenți din 3 universități partenere […]
Universitatea Politehnica din Timișoara organizează cea de-a treia ediție a International Spotlight Heritage Student Contest (ISHSC) 2023 și Interactive Digital Media Student Contest (IDMSC) 2023, aflat la a 9-a ediție, care se vor desfășura în data de 17 noiembrie 2023, începând cu ora 11:00 în Sala Polivalentă a Bibliotecii Centrale UPT, (Bd. Vasile Pârvan Nr. […]
Now in its 8th edition, the Interactive Digital Media Student Contest 2022 brought together on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, both online and physically, 24 students from high schools in Romania, bachelor's, master's or doctoral students, from Timisoara universities and other universities from Romania, Italy, Denmark. Find out more details here!
The Politehnica University of Timișoara through the Multimedia Center is organizing on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, at 12:00, HIBRID, the Interactive Digital Media Student Contest 2022. Find out more details here!
After an intense weekend of duels in the Games of Science competition, we announce the winners of the competition! Find out more details here!
The 7th edition of the Interactive Digital Media Student Contest 2021 competition brought on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, on the online stage - 27 students with different bachelor's, master's and doctoral profiles, both from the universities of Timisoara and others universities in Romania as well as outside Europe. Find out more here!
Politehnica University of Timisoara through the Multimedia Center organizes on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at 14:00, ONLINE, the Interactive Student Contest Digital Media Student Contest 2021. Find out more details here!
The purpose of the ANIS Scholarships program is to achieve a partnership between industry and academia to support young teachers in integrating new technologies into the university curriculum and innovative teaching methods. The program takes place at national level, with qualified teachers benefiting from sponsorship.
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