Project co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.
For detailed information on the other programs co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit www.fonduri-ue.ro.
UPT and fondo-structurale.ro specialists will prepare 341 students who have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to open a business. The best 26 business plans they will receive funding of up to 60,000 euros.
What is StartUPT?
StartUPT is a business accelerator aimed at students from all over the country who want to establish a start-up in any of the regions of the country, except Bucharest-Ilfov. The ideas we are looking for must be part of areas such as IT, creative industries, tourism, health, energy.
What opportunities do we offer you through StartUPT?
Training in entrepreneurship! You participate in the course together with our trainers and structure your idea in a business plan!
We will scroll ANC certified entrepreneurship courses for at least 341 of students, masters and PhD students from all less developed regions who want to set up a business in economic sectors with competitive potential. The courses will be online and we will use interactive tools, case studies and synchronous sessions. At the end of the course you will take the exam and get national certification in "Entrepreneurial Skills".
Submit your idea to us in the business plan competition! You enter the business plan competition and find funding for your idea!
We will organize a business plan competition in which you will be able to participate and be one of those 26 entrepreneurs who will receive up to 60,000 euros for their business. In the competition, we will select 13 businesses that will receive funding from 40,000 euros and 13 businesses will be financed with 60,000 euros.
Are you among the 26? You participate in an internship and develop your business with the help of our mentors!
We will support you to develop your entrepreneurial spirit through simulated enterprise activities, personalized services by mentoring in entrepreneurship and digital innovation and you will follow an internship in a company with a similar activity. You will participate, including, in two Business Schools!
You set up your business and hit the road as a StartUPT entrepreneur!
After completing all the steps above, you establish the business and start your activity. You will have 1 year available to develop your business with the help of the financing received according to your business plan. Then time of 6 months, you will ensure the sustainability of the business through your own forces. Be worry free! We will be with you and support you throughout this period.
Other links to information about StartUPT
Information for students
The StartUPT project begins with the selection of participants in entrepreneurial training courses. This is a mandatory step for participating in the following stages of the project:
- Entrepreneurship training – at least 341 students will attend ANC certified "Entrepreneurial Skills" courses;
- Business plan competition – a business plan competition will be organized where they will be selected 26 business plans from the competitive sectors identified according to SNC (Appendix 7 to the Methodology): 13 businesses will be financed with maximum 40,000 euros and will target the establishment of at least 2 jobs, and 13 businesses will receive funding within the project between 40,000 – 60,000 euros and will target the establishment of at least 3 jobs;
- Internships of practice and mentoring for the 26 selected entrepreneurs;
- Business development with the help of funding received during 12 months;
- Ensuring the sustainability of the business established during 15 months after the end of the support.
The ANC certified "Entrepreneurial Skills" courses are held over several series. The courses have a duration of 40 training hours (Monday-Friday – 4 hours/day, Saturday – 8 hours/day) and take place both in the early part of the day and in the afternoon/evening, as follows:
- Series 1: February 14, 2022 – February 23, 2022 (completed)
- Series 2: February 28, 2022 – March 9, 2022 (completed)
- Series 3: March 14, 2022 – March 23, 2022 (completed)
- Series 4: March 28, 2022 – April 6, 2022 (completed)
- Series 5: April 8, 2022 – April 19, 2022 (ongoing)
Be a student entrepreneur in StartUPT
Step 1. Read carefully the selection methodology and check that you are eligible to participate in the StartUPT entrepreneurial training courses. Appendices to the methodology can be found below.
Era no. 1 of 11.02.2022 to the Target Group Selection Methodology
Step 2. If you are eligible, complete the application form to participate in the StartUPT entrepreneurial training courses.
Registrations for the training courses have closed as all available places have been taken. At the same time, I started the StartUPT business plan competition.
Appendices to the selection methodology of the target group – participants in the courses of
"Entrepreneurial skills" organized within the StartUPT project:
Annex 1 – Individual registration form for participants in operations financed by the 2014-2020 POCU
Annex 2 – Agreement regarding the processing of personal data
Annex 3 – Declaration on avoiding double funding
Annex 4 – Declaration regarding the avoidance of conflict of interest
Annex 5 – Eligibility criteria fulfillment sheet for enrollment
Annex 6 – Qualitative evaluation grid of the person admitted to the target group
Annex 7 – List of CAEN codes related to industrial policy directions mentioned in the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020 and List of fields and subfields of intelligent specialization and health
Meet our trainers
Claudia Cordea is a doctor in management and entrepreneurship, trainer and associate teacher at the University of West Timișoara. He was the National President of Junior Chamber International Romania and has over 11 years of experience in writing and implementing projects with non-refundable funding from programs such as POCU, InterREG, POSDRU and CNFIS-FDI.
Giana Balan is a consultant and trainer, with 14 years of experience in coordinating development and innovation projects. He led training sessions on topics such as: entrepreneurship, project management, accessing European funds, economic-financial analysis and cost-benefit analysis.
Dafina Cîmpean is a marketing director with over 13 years of experience in the field, being nominated in the "Marketing Director of the Year 2018" section in the Romanian Top Hotel Awards. She is the author of 3 volumes with scientific, professional and cultural status, and was a mentor at EduHack 2021.
Lavinia Iancu she is a PR/Project Management specialist, PhD student in management and associate teaching staff at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. She is the Founder & CEO of SUSTENOBIL PR/ODUCTION and ReFEEL Solutions, organizations awarded with Biz Sustainability Awards for Digital Innovation.
StartUPT contest results
The final list of business plans selected for financing and reserves - category 40,000 euros
The final list of business plans selected for financing and reserves - category 60,000 euros
List of declared business plans ADMITTED after Phases 2 & 3 Category 40,000 euros (ETF and PITCH)
List of business plans declared REJECTED after Phases 2 & 3 Category 40,000 euros (ETF and PITCH)
List of declared business plans ADMITTED after Phases 2 & 3 Category 60,000 euros (ETF and PITCH)
List of business plans declared REJECTED after Phases 2 & 3 Category 60,000 euros (ETF and PITCH)
Procedure for supporting the StartUPT pitch
StartUPT pitch support planning
List of declared business plans admitted after Phase 1 – eligibility and administrative compliance
Finance your business with up to 60,000 euros!
In the period 18.04.2022-06.05.2022, the submission of application files for the StartUPT business plan selection competition takes place. 13 businesses will be selected for financing (which will target the establishment of at least 2 jobs) with a maximum of 40,000 euros and 13 businesses (which will target the establishment of at least 3 jobs) with an amount between 40,000 - 60,000 euros.
The application file for participation in the contest will be submitted by 6/05/2022 at 11:59 p.m. in a specially created section on the UPT Virtual Campus.
Applicants who have attended the StartUPT entrepreneurial training courses have automatic access to the competition section at the address above. Other categories of applicants must request access to the competition section by completing the following form no later than 24 hours before the closing of submissions: https://form.123formbuilder.com/6137820/
The file will contain the documents mentioned in Business plan selection methodology, which you can find below, together with the related annexes.
We encourage you to submit your application files continuously starting from the launch of the competition, avoiding the congestion at the end and possible problems generated by overloading the online platform.
Documents required for submitting the tender file
The methodology for selecting the business plans that will be financed within the StartUPT project
Appendix 0 – Registration form
Annex 1 – Business plan (standard format)
Annex 2 – Budget minimis business plan (standard format)
Annex 3 – Declaration of eligibility (standard format)
Annex 4 – Agreement for the use of personal data (standard format)
Annex 5 – Business plan competition calendar
Annex 6 – Phase 1 evaluation grid
Annex 7 – Phase 2 evaluation grid
Annex 8 – Phase 3 evaluation grid
Annex 9 – Applicant's Guide to specific conditions – Innotech Student
Annex 10 – List of CAEN codes related to the industrial policy directions mentioned in the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020
Appendix 11 – List of intelligence and health specialization fields and subfields
Annex 12 – INNOTECH STUDENT de minimis scheme
Annex 13 – Subsidy contract_6.13
Appendix 14 – Curriculum vitae (standard format)
The launch event of the StartUPT project took place online on 2.03.2022. You can (re)view the event recording and information on how to register. Click here for details
On 18.04.2022, the StartUPT business plan competition was launched. Click here for details
Afacerile finanțate prin StartUPT sunt (click pe fiecare pentru detalii):
Conferința finală a proiectului StartUPT a avut loc pe 6.12.2023 la Bilblioteca UPT. Click here for details

"StartUPT" (POCU/829/6/13/140550) is a project co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Human Capital Operational Program (POCU) within the "Innotech Student" funding line. The project is implemented by the Politehnica University of Timișoara as the Beneficiary, together with fundoni-structurale.ro (DCG Development Consultancy Group SRL) as a partner, between December 2021 and December 2023. The total eligible value of the project is 9,280. 400.14 lei, of which the amount of non-refundable financing is 9,190,844.13 lei. The value of the eligible co-financing of the Beneficiary and the partner is 89,556.01 lei.
Beneficiary: Politehnica University of Timișoara
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu Vasiu
Partner: fondu-structurale.ro (DCG Development Consultancy Group SRL)
Project expert
Dana Miron
Dec. 2021 – Dec. 2023
9.28 million lei
Mugur Mocofan, Silviu Vert, Roxana Sîrbu, Alina Bălă, Cosmin Musat