Human Resources Development, “Development and support for postdoctor al multidisciplinary programmes in priority technical fields according to the national research–development–innovation strategy” 4D–POSTDOC
Human Resources Development, “Development and support for postdoctor al multidisciplinary programs in priority technical fields according to the national research – development – innovation strategy” 4D – POSTDOC nr. POSDRU / 89 / 1.5 / S / 52603 The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of postdoctoral research project management in the three universities involved. A number of 16 postdoctoral researchers in universities are funded […]
Improving University Management, strategic project for Higher Education no. POSDRU/2.1/S/4/2679 Establishment of the Competence Center in Timișoara and Improvement of University Management PROJECT FINANCED FROM STRUCTURAL FUNDS PROJECT DATA Director Diana Andone Period 2009-2011
Development of an operational system of higher education qualifications in Romania - RNCIS, strategic project for Higher Education no. POSDRU / 2 / 1.2 / S / 2 RNCIS represents the instrument of identification, registration, permanent consultation and updating of the qualifications, respectively of the diplomas and certificates issued by the higher education institutions. RNCIS is a common construction, involving ANC, higher education institutions, […]
Unique Matriculation Register, strategic project for Higher Education no. POSDRU / 2 / 1.2 / S / 5/4436 The strategic project “Single Matriculation Register”, implemented between November 2008 and October 2011, had as main purpose the creation of a unique integrated system at national level, containing an integrated database, for the management of information on students in the higher education system. PROJECT […]
CNCSIS IDEAS, Fuzing Statistic and Semantic Modeling in Image Sequences Analysis ID_930, 667 / 19.01.2009 Probability-oriented approaches for image sequence analysis have difficulties in modeling the complex situation encountered in real-world applications. To alleviate this problem, we propose a new theoretical framework for merging the level of statistical thinking with the level of semantics for the benefit of both […]
Contributions to the use of new information technologies in the eLearning process CNCSIS grant CODE 15, type TD This research project aims to develop an educational platform, which would provide the adaptation of existing courses to new information technologies in the field of eLearning (eg mLearning. - Learning Mobile). This platform will be initially tested with […]
CNCSIS grant CODE 16, type TD, Title: Robust techniques in image registration Based on this method, the project proposes the use of image recording techniques to solve the node location problem in a wireless sensor network, based on video sensors. Moreover, the proposed solution adds the video-field overlay estimate for the classic spatial location. May […]
PNCD II project, “Efficiency Increasing of the Support Processes for International Transfer on Managerial Know-How in the Applicative Research and Innovation Field” WINMAN nr. 3598/2007, no. 91051 / 14.09.2007 The WINMAN project consortium aims to develop and propose models for managerial processes and practical methods related to various aspects of […]
PNCD II project: Bio-medical signal acquisition and remote transmission over mobile computing equipments BIOMED-TEL nr. D1-1-057 / 14.09.2007 The project provides for research, design and implementation of a flexible and self-adaptation system for monitoring biological signals. Research and design activities will be oriented towards the development of a system and organizational architecture for remote monitoring […]
CEEX Project, Control and Monitoring from the Distance System for Intelligent Buildings "COMODICI" No. CEEX 60 / 28.07.2006 These systems are typically managed by personal computers (PCs), using data processing communication techniques and both wired and wireless communication technologies. Key communications issues are redundancy, capacity […]
CEEX Project, Contract, Development of the Concept of Social Responsability in the Romanian Companies, in the European Context „RSE & UE” Nr. CEEX 05-D8-5 / 10.10.2005 Agenda Lisabona (2000) stabilește ca principal obiectiv strategic ca „UE ar trebui să devină cea mai competitivă și dinamică economie bazată pe cunoaștere din lume, capabilă de o creștere […]
CEEX Project, Contract, Foresight Scenarios for the Romanian Economical Sectors with Innovation Potential in the View of the Year 2020 "INOVFOR", UPT coordinator Nr. CEX 05-D8-77 / 19.10.2005 The main objective of the project is to develop a National Strategy for Research - Development - Innovation, and in accordance with it, to develop a National Plan [...]