Radu Vasiu is a professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. He received his doctorate in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications from the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania in 1997.
Mugur Mocofan
Muguras Daniel Mocofan received his doctorate in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications from the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania in 2003. He is currently head of papers at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara.
Andrei Ternauciuc
Andrei Ternauciuc is head of works within the Communications Department of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies. Supports hands-on activities with students in a variety of fields, including instructional and information technology, and testing of telecommunications equipment and television systems.
Silviu Vert
Silviu Vert is Associate Professor within the Communications Department of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Politehnica University of Timisoara.
Vlad Mihaescu
Vlad Mihăescu has a PhD in educational and technological models MOOCs and has 8 years of experience as a trainer in areas such as multimedia technologies, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usability, programming, soft skills and leadership.
Mihai Onita
Mihai Onita is the head of works within the Communications Department of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies. He is the owner of some disciplines that consider graphic design services, digital media and eLearning video.
Diana Andone
Dr. Diana Andone is the director of the e-Learning Center, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, with responsibilities in planning and implementing distance learning and integrating the use of online educational technologies for all forms of education, through the Virtual Campus of UPT - CVUPT.
Iasmina Ermalai
Iasmina Ermalai obtained her PhD in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering in 2009, awarded by the Polytechnic University of Timisoara for research in the field of modern e-Learning systems. Professional interests include modern web technologies and the improvement of the eLearning process.
Cristian Tzecu
Cristian Tzecu Cristian Tzecu is an assistant in the Communications Department of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies. Coordinates the Multimedia Development Project but also the laboratory works for Testing Telecommunication Equipment (Prof. Radu Vasiu) and the one for Television Systems (Prof. Florin Alexa). In 2010 he obtained his doctorate in […]
Oana Rotaru
Oana Rotaru is a PhD student - Usability in the context of creative industries applications. Areas of interest: usability research UI / UX design graphic design web development Paper (for publication) Standardized Questionnaires in Usability Evaluation. Applying Standardized Usability Questionnaires in digital products evaluation Oana Rotaru, Standardized Questionnaires in Usability Evaluation. Applying Standardized Usability Questionnaires in digital products […]