The beginnings of the MULTIMEDIA Center within the Polytechnic University of Timisoara are closely related to the introduction of university studies in this field within the university. In the context of the appearance in Romania, in the first part of the '90s, of a significant number of private radio and television studios, in 1994 professor Toma Corneliu, together with Radu Vasiu have the initiative to set up their own television station within the university, TeleUniversitatea, which obtains from the National Audiovisual Council the license for broadcasting its own programs. In parallel, a solution is approached for the training of the specialists and technicians requested by these radio-television studios. From the beginning, a short-term higher education specialization was considered, within the Electronic College of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, established through the Tempus DECOR program (Development of Colleges in Romania), S-JEP 06484/92, whose first college Professor Corneliu Toma was appointed director.

In order to introduce such a specialization, in 1994, the Polytechnic University of Timisoara together with Bilston Community College, UK, applied for a new Tempus DRUM program (Development of Romanian Multimedia Universities), S-JEP 09838/95, with the main purpose the introduction of a multimedia specialization and the establishment of an open educational center. On this occasion, he began a close collaboration with David Evans, a collaboration that continues today, in several fields. Based on the curriculum established together with the experts within the project, in the academic year 1996/1997, the specialization of Audio-Video and Multimedia Technologies at college level was started, of great interest from the students enjoying the courses belonging to the field of television and multimedia techniques. . Based on functional models in the United Kingdom, the Open Access Multimedia Education Center was organized and established in 1996, which is the starting point of the current Multimedia Center.
On the other hand, in that period new and new technologies began to develop (especially the development of the Internet and related applications). In order to improve its own staff, as well as to update the curriculum and develop it in order to move to university courses in distance and long-term education in the field of multimedia, the collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire has been extended by obtaining funding for a new Tempus TEMIS program (Telematics and Multimedia within the Information Society), S-JEP 12086/97, carried out between 1998 and 2001. An important result of this project was the establishment of the Center for Educational Technologies, aimed at researching and implementing information technologies in modern educational systems required by the development of distance learning.
At the same time, the Laboratory for Testing Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment was established, in order to ensure the technical support for the correct use of the increasingly complex equipment used in the development of modern IT applications. The contractor for this project was Andrew Marriott, of the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, a constant support of our efforts. Although later settled in New Zealand, Andrew continues to be interested in what is happening in Timisoara. A key player in this project became the Oulu Institute of Technology in Finland, through Lauri Kurkela, with whom the collaboration continues today, even though Lauri has retired in the meantime.

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Institutional partners

Membership in international organizations
The Multimedia Center is a member of various international organizations:
IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electrics Engineers
IADIS - International Association for the Development of the Information Society
IAFeS - International Association for e-science (founding member), which continues the former
EATA - European Association for Telematics Applications
ASLERD - Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development