Lifelong learning program ``International Internship AGORA - I2AGORA''
no. 511784-LLP-1-2010-1-HU-KA4KA4MP
Obiectivul principal al proiectului I2AGORA este de a deschide un potențial sinergetic între proiectele UE care s-au axat pe acest domeniu provocator. Chestionarea, sistematizarea și sintetizarea puse în aplicare anterior și derularea de proiecte relevante vor urmări o abordare dimensională de tip 3 * 3 – un „Magic Cube” de programe de internship virtuale.
The universities of the 21st century are put in a position to reconsider their relationship with the economic environment, both regionally and globally. Practical placement can act as an important pillar of it as well as a multifunctional tool for improving the employability of graduates. While course delivery flexibility and physical/virtual mobility have been quite in the spotlight, leading to widely available best practice cases/guidance, on the other hand, much less attention has been directed towards improving flexibility and the internationalization of these practices.
„Magic Cube” involves:
- Vertical dimensions – internship periods, in chronological order, (pre-, implementation and post-internship activities)
- Dimensiuni orizontale – modele pedagogice, instrumente tehnologice și modele metodologice, ca elemente ale abordării „educaționale”
- layers of actors / stakeholders: students, universities, enterprises and intermediaries / multipliers
- Programele pilot speciale „Internship 2.0” vor fi anunțate și gestionate de către partenerii – studenții din întreaga UE care vor fi implicați în activități diferite de dezvoltare.
Programele pilot speciale „Internship 2.0” vor fi anunțate și gestionate de către partenerii – studenții din întreaga UE care vor fi implicați în activități diferite de dezvoltare.
I2 AGORA delivered:
(1) an in-house bilingual concierge-as a single point of access to virtual internship projects, orientations, etc.
(2) IdeAgora – a web-based meeting point for the exchange of ideas and solutions within the community of practice
(3) versatile support in using the modern, ICT-based work environment from all stakeholders,
(4) o multiplicare a impactului prin „Clinicile de Angajabilitate” – evenimente cu efect dovedit;
(5) a comparison of conventional placement assumptions with flexible models, leading to recommendations for European policy.
Dr. Eng. Diana ANDONE
59,201 EUROS
Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu VASIU, Lect.dr.eng. Marian BUCOS, Lect.dr.eng. Mugur MOCOFAN, Assistant Dr. Eng. Mihai ONITA, Dr. Eng. Andrei TERNAUCIUC, Dr. Eng. Yasmina ERMALAI, Eng. Bogdan DRĂGULESCU - PhD student, Tatiana TERNAUCIUC
Miskolci Egyetem, Hungary (coord); EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Netherlands; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Open Universiteit Nederland; UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid, Spain; Tallinna Ülikool (Tallinn University); Chamber of Commerce and Industry Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen County; Euro-Contact Business School, Budapest, Hungary; Timisoara Software Business Incubator