Web2.0 technologies
An studiu: IMA TMM |
Disciplina: specialty |
Evaluare: exam |
Credite: 5 |
Semestrul: 2 |
About Instructors

Diana Andone
Dr. Diana Andone is the director of the e-Learning Center, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, with responsibilities in planning and implementing distance learning and integrating the use of online educational technologies for all forms of education, through the Virtual Campus of UPT - CVUPT.

Vlad Mihaescu
Vlad Mihăescu has a PhD in educational and technological models MOOCs and has 8 years of experience as a trainer in areas such as multimedia technologies, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usability, programming, soft skills and leadership.
An studiu: IMA TMM |
Disciplina: specialty |
Evaluare: exam |
Credite: 5 |
Semestrul: 2 |