2017-2018 diploma projects
List of diploma topics, organized by tutors, available in the current academic year within the Communications department.
Monitoring and testing of telecommunications networks, Tudor Adriana
Data transmission and interception via fiber optics, Dumitrana Gabriela Daniela
CI testing using Boundary Scan technology, Spataru Ionel Cristian
The concepts of Open Science and Open Access The concept of Industry 4.0 and intelligent services
Indexing in multimedia databases, Teodora Farcas
Automation in the food industry Activity planning system Mobile application for drug administration management Search algorithms in multimedia databases Extracting the characteristics of dynamic textures
Print design services, Kindler LaurentiuEduard
Graphics and animations, Navligu Calin Marc
Adaptive design (web / mobile), Melinte Florin
UX / UI design, Besliu Alexandru
Raster graphics services, Ghile Emilian
Smart Greenhouse - Android Mobile Application, Corcan Iasmina
Mobile application for theater / opera / concert performances, Stoica Teodora
Intelligent parking system, Vilceanu Razvan
Hotel reservation system, Buleja Denis
Timisoara City Dashboard Web platform for civic involvement Visualizing the quality of life in a city using interactive geographical applications Augmented reality application for cultural heritage